Monday, February 4, 2008

Hawaiis' Educators salary raise?

So I've been following the news about the new contracts for Hawaii's teachers and the issues with the random drug testing. I understand that in light of the past reports of teachers arrested for drug abuse the need for random drug testing is vital to ensure the safety of our students. Now the issues is where will the money for the drug tests come from?
I think the governor and the DOE board need too stop pointing fingers and just make a decision. Honestly, I would rather see the funds go towards needed programs rather than testing our teachers.


katmplatt said...

I did not even know that was going on in Hawaii. I think you are right about spending the money on the classroom instead of on a lot of teachers who are probably not guilty of taking drugs. Of course if there was reason to test certain teachers, it makes sense because a teacher on drugs would not be a highly qualified teacher. It is true though, that just because there have been some reports about teachers on drugs, it does not mean that all of the teachers are on drugs. I do have a question though. Are teachers tested before they can certify to teach? That would cost money as well, but it may solve a few problems at least on hiring drug free teachers, that is if it has been a really big problem lately. I am interested to see what other people say about this. Good topic!

kleialoha said...

Well I am double sided with your blog because I do believe that our students and children have the right to be taught by good drug free teachers but yeah where is all the money going to come from. I think they should test the teachers but again it's a waste of money and of innocent peoples time. And I do believe that the money should go to other needs like the teachers and their classrooms. Good job I liked your blog!

Anonymous said...

Just as Katrina said, I had no idea that this was an issue. I think it is a good idea to have the teachers drug tested before they are employed. All children should be able to receive a good education by drug free teachers. On the other hand, I'm sure it is costing the state a lot of money to drug test every single teacher. Teachers don't get a big enough budget as it is right now, why not give them more money to be used in the classroom? It seems like our government shows interest in doing what's best for the students, but some teachers still have to pull money out of their own income to get all the supplies that are needed for their class. I think the government should put more money into educating the kids of America. It is important for the state to make sure that all of their teachers are qualified, but I think the money can be put to better use.

SUMMER said...

The first thing that came to mind with the post is that same question..."aren't the teachers tested before going into the field?" Granted, there will be many personal changes throughout their years in the profession, but if it is done at the beginning it may save time and money in the long run. However, I am actually one who is all for it. Having four children of my own, which are all in the public school system, I would like to be able to trust that they are all being taught by drug free, clean, professional individuals. Thanks for the great topic!